Nirina is a 5 year old boy who lives in Madagascar, unfortunately at birth he had a serious problem that changed the course of his life, his parents tried with all possible means to help the little one but there were no doctors, nor the economic possibility of undertaking the surgery necessary to save little Nirina’s life.
The special treatments and surgery could have been performed in England, which further complicated the effort needed to carry out the project, and by the will of the boys belonging to the ALFA GROUP the intent of the mission was completely obscured.
But as often happens, the impossible happened, the doctor who was supposed to perform the operation, and who operated in England, decided to come to Italy and offer his precious help at a clinic in Catania where the presence of a pediatrician would coordinate the path, to operate on Nirina.
A miracle.
We couldn’t believe it, but it was like this, we could tell Nirina’s father and mother that their little one could be operated on and hope for survival. From that moment on, every circumstance has become useful to raise funds for Nirina’s benefit which will be used to cover the necessary expenses.
Today thanks to the A.S.D. TEAM NUOVA AVIR, and to all the organizations that contributed to the creation of this GRANFONDO CITTA’ DI RAGUSA, we will be present as organizers of the PASTA PARTY and will offer all our availability for the success of the event..
The proceeds of this PASTA PARTY will be donated entirely to Nirina. Saying thank you is an understatement, but we do it anyway, both on behalf of the CIVIL PROTECTION of Chiaramonte Gulfi and Giarratana, and of the ALFA GROUP, which has been operating for decades in the territories where many populations suffer, both from poverty, but also from wars, and for diseases.
Once again..Thank you very much.
For Nirina.