Special Awards of Giuseppe Sammito authorship
Even at the awards ceremony, the organizing committee of the Granfondo Città di Ragusa wants to bring in the excellence of the local territory. In fact, the most coveted prizes will be handmade artefacts by the famous sculptor from baroque town Scicli Giuseppe Sammito.
For years Sammito’s chisel has enchanted sculpture lovers with its ability to shape stone, a passion discovered since he was young and refined with many years of experience that have led him to be today a highly appreciated artist whose works express …shape the history of our Baroque.
The Granfondo Organization Team has commissioned Giuseppe Sammito with unique and inimitable trophies, which will bring a precious part of the Province of Ragusa into the winners’ homes.
The Granfondo Organization Team has commissioned Giuseppe Sammito with unique and inimitable trophies, which will bring a precious part of the Province of Ragusa into the winners’ homes.
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